Fostering Faith brings the hope of Jesus to children in foster care while also providing consistent and reliable respite for foster parents.

How We
Serve Our

Fostering Faith is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that partners with local churches to host a program for children in foster care grades Pre-K through 5th grade. Throughout the school year, foster parents have the opportunity to drop their children off at our partner church locations where they eat, play, and learn about Jesus. Our program provides short-term respite for foster parents as well as a positive experience for children in foster care.

Foster Parents

If you are a licensed foster parent actively fostering children grades Pre-K through 5th grade, we want to serve you!


Our program does not exist without the faithful support of volunteers. If you have a heart for foster families or children’s ministry, we would love to connect with you!


We rely on the generous gifts of people just like you. Big or small, every dollar helps us make a difference in the lives of foster families.

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